Extracting Web Survey Data to Excel

Export the raw data and summary statistics from your Web Surveys to Excel.

Get Data in Native Excel Format

The data export can be performed in the native format for your version of Excel.

Worksheets for raw data and statistics

Get everything you need in a single export - raw data, summary statistics and comments listings.

Image-based Choices
Web Survey Creator provides many different reports and exports, but sometimes all you want is a concise set of data in an easy to read, universally used, data format. This is when our Excel Export comes in handy.
Worksheets, formulas and formatting... An export that leverages all the benefits of Excel
Web Survey Creator doesn't simply open a tab-delimited text file in Excel. We create a well formatted, multi-worksheet file that is professional and easy to use. It's a great report to provide to people who want to see the raw responses together with the summary statistics in a format that can be viewed, modified and printed.

Web Survey Excel Data Export: An Overview

The Excel data export is one of the reports that can be produced through the "Reports & Exports" system within Web Survey Creator. An overview of the export process is shown below:
All reports and exports can be added by simply pressing the New Report toolbar button (which looks like a plus sign). Once a report is created it will appear in the browse as shown here.
Our responses export can be opened in Excel format (XLS) or as a text file (TXT).
Edit Selection Choice
We can ensure we get the latest data in the report by pressing the refresh button for the report. We can see that the report is rebuilding because the download status changes to "Pending...".
YouTube Survey
Clicking on the XLS icon for the Response Report will bring up the Download File window.
You can choose what you wish to name the file, and the preferred format (including different Excel version formats) and press the Download button to commence the download.
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The Excel spreadsheet that is generated features separate worksheets for Responses, Summary Statistics and Comment Listing.
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