How do I Integrate Qualzy with WSC?

URL redirects make it easy to track survey completions, screenouts and quota fails with external research panels and platforms.
Reference Guide
Integrating with external platforms and panels is a common practice that can be done through the use of URL redirects and survey terminate pages.

This guide will demonstrate how survey respondents can be redirected to the insights platform Qualzy based on if a respondent has completed, screened out or quota failed during a WSC survey.

Data can be attached to an external platform redirect URL, for example, a respondent recall code or completion code which will be used to track respondents.

The following steps can be used to setup a basic Qualzy to WSC integration:
  • 1. In your anonymous survey navigate to Distribution --> Methods, then click on the Edit Distribution Settings icon. Scroll down to the " When Respondents return to the Survey what should they be allowed to do?" heading and select the checkbox labelled "Respondents can leave the survey and return later to complete an uncompleted response".
    Qualzy Integration Edit Distribution
  • 2. Return back to the Distribution Methods page and copy the unique survey URL.
    Qualzy Integration Survey URL
  • 3. When using the External Survey activity type in Qualzy, navigate to the External Survey settings. Paste the unique WSC survey link into the Outgoing URL field. A contact code will then need to be added to the end of the survey URL, EG: &usr={{contactcode}}, this will be used to track respondents in WSC when they leave the Qualzy platform.
    An example of the full survey URL could be:{{contactcode}}
    Qualzy Integration External Survey
  • 4. Copy each of the 3 Qualzy Redirect URLS, these will be used to redirect respondents back to Qualzy upon survey completion, screen out or quota fail.
For the Qualzy redirect URLs to function correctly in WSC, a small change must be made to the respondent {{contactcode}} in the redirect URL.

A Complete Redirect from Qualzy could look like:{{contactcode}}&actionCode=12345678910

For this redirect URL to function correctly in WSC, the {{contactcode}} variable will need to be replaced with the WSC recall code format: [@RECALLCODE@]

The above redirect URL would then look like:[@RECALLCODE@]&actionCode=12345678910

After making these adjustments, use the following steps to setup redirects for survey completes, screen outs and quota outs in WSC.
  • 1. For survey completes: Navigate to Distribution --> Methods, then click on the Edit Distribution Settings icon. Scroll down to the "What should happen when the Survey Completes?" heading. Click on the checkbox labelled "Redirect them to a Web Page". Paste the Qualzy Complete Redirect URL into the empty field.
    Qualzy Integration Survey Complete
  • 2. For screener fails: navigate to the survey page you wish to use to screen out respondents then click the edit button for that page. You will be shown some configuration options for the page, under the "Terminate Survey" heading, click on the dropdown labelled "Termination Method". Select the option "Terminate the Survey and Redirect Survey to a Web Page". Past in the appropriate Qualzy redirect URL. Set the "Survey Completion State" to "Respondent has been Screened out".
    Qualzy Integration Screen Out
  • 3. For quota fails: Repeat the process detailed above, however set the survey completion state to "Respondent has been Screened Out".
Survey flows will need to be created for respondents to "flow" over the terminate pages. To setup a survey flow, navigate to Design --> Survey Flow in your survey.

You can find more information on survey flows in our: video tutorial