The Web Survey Creator
Event API offers a variety of unique functionalities. The
Send Email Event type will automatically send an email to a specified email address(s) whenever a survey response is submitted.
Standard email configuration options for the event include:
- Sender Email Name
- Sender Email Address
- Email "To" Address(s)
- Email Subject
- Email Message
1. From the survey designer, navigate to
Distribution --> Event API and click on the
Create Event icon from the toolbar.
3. Choose when you want the event to be triggered from the "Use Event When:" dropdown. Enter the email configuration credentials into the appropriate fields. Data Piping can also be used to further customise the event. For example, a question result can be piped into the "Email Message" field, or an email address entered by a respondent using the the standard Data Piping format - [@EXAMPLE@].
A summary of the event can be found in the Event API browse after it has been created. Existing events can also be
edited or
deleted from this browse.